Landlord And Tenant Act 1985

Section 1(1)

The following sections are applicable to leaseholders (flat owners) (i.e. not renting tenants).

Section 20

  • Major Works: If the cost of major works will exceed the sum of £250 for any one leaseholder, then the landlord is required to consult with leaseholders under s.20.
  • Certain exclusions to this requirement apply, for example urgent works where a dispensation has been granted by the First-tier Tribunal (Property Chamber) (FTT).

Section 21

  • Leaseholder or RTA right to request a written summary of service charge costs. 1)

Section 22

  • Leaseholder or RTA right to request access to inspect supporting documents (accounts/receipts.) after having obtained the summary of service charge costs under s.21. 2)

Section 29

Section 30

  • Leaseholder or RTA right to request written summary of insurance cover 3)
  • Leaseholder or RTA right to inspect insurance policy 4)
  • Section 30B: Right of RTA to be consulted on appointment of Managing Agent. (1987)

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